由我院副教授Paola Maria Trapani 和四位研究生:王子璇、江亭霆、黄佳雯、邰易萱共同撰写的论文《How Might We Evaluate Co-design? A LiteratureReview on Existing Practices 》,即《如何评估共同设计?一篇基于现有实践的文献综述》,发表于国际会议Design Research Society 2022,并收录于大会电子出版物。
A research paper is published and presented online at Design Research Society 2022. Written by the D&I faculties Paola Maria Trapani and four graduate students: Wang Zixuan, Huang Jiawen, Jiang Tingting and Tai Yixuan. The paper is now published in the conference digital proceedings.
Design Research Society( 设计研究协会)成立于1966 年,致力于促进和发展全球设计研究,是国际设计研究界历史最悠久的多学科学术团体。DRS2022 是迄今为止规模最大、设计领域最广的一届会议,汇集了 800 多名与会者和 315 篇论文演示文稿。
The Design Research Society is a learned society committed to promoting and developing design research worldwide. Established in 1966 it is the oldest multi-disciplinary society for the international design research community. DRS2022 is the biggest and most ambitious DRS conference to date. The conference brings together over 800 participants and 315 paper presentations which you can find in this volume of conference paper abstracts.
In recent years, co-design has seen exponential adoption inresponse to complex socio-technical transitions. However, the appraisal around co-design still lacks development, making its quality, effect, and value ambiguous. The study conducted an integrative literaturereview in Scopus by analyzing and comparing existing methods used for assessing co-design. An overview of the methods, values, challenges, and suggestions for co-design assessment has been presented, and an evaluation framework has been proposed to encourage more research and practice in this area.
The study adopted an integrative literature review approach that combines the systematic and narrative review methodologies (Onwuegbuzie & Frels, 2016). There were two focuses during the analysis: the evaluation methods used and the researchers' reflections. The methods prior scholars used have been visualized in a diagram and summarized according to the aspect it evaluated (the approach, the process, or the outcome of co-design). The reflection-related content was iteratively coded followinggrounded theory and formed the understanding of the perceived value, existing challenges, and future suggestions on co-design evaluation. Finally, we developed a five-step assessment framework to guide practitioners in the co-design area.
E-publish of DRS2022:
课程成果 | Studio2 · 同济飞亚达时间可视化项目(二):时间之外
课程成果 | Studio2 · 同济飞亚达时间可视化项目(一):虚实之间
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